
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Giant knit sweaters and some platform shoes?

I was taking a break from my day to spend a few minutes to browse some of my favorite clothing websites for outfit inspirations. "Just a look day" my grandmother would always say...Alright, it was more like and hour online and I was searching for any good sale. Any excuse to buy more clothes. Any reason to convince myself that I just could not say N-O to such cheap clothing!

I may have an illness.

But I digress.

I was visiting one of my go-to websites, that shall remain nameless, and stumbled upon these beauties.

Go ahead. Take your time. Soak it in...

I'm almost speechless about some of these outfits. Almost.

At first I thought, "This is a joke, right?" But no, they are real and they are really for sale. Who in the world is looking online and saying OMG, just what I've been searching for. I need that giant vintage tea cup sweater. And look! It's on sale of only $149. I'm going to wear with my new platform shoes and not wash my hair for a week! 

That's right, $149. And the 'vintage' Missoni sweater is only a measly $299.99 (plus tax and shipping). But it's on sale! 

My second thought was, who on God's blessed earth would spend money on this junk?

My third thought was, when did I get to the age where I'm saying stuff like this? 

Some new fashion I can deal with and I'd even go as far to say that I like it. I won't wear it, but I like it. The day I see someone walking around with an uneven giant white smiley face T-shirt 'dress'... Well I just don't know what I'm going to do! Kids these days.


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