
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Opinion: Hurricane Sandy

 We, as Americans, disagree on politics, religion, rights, fashion, and plenty more topics subject to millions of views, but man-oh-man, when a storm is a’bruin, everyone prepares (even the skeptics). There is an almost giddiness in the air before the storm – the metonymy of our day to day is being interrupted. We get our flash lights and bring in the wind chimes. We fill buckets with clean water and gather food. We care about each other’s well-being.
When a loved-one dies, a family usually comes to together and puts aside differences. From tragedy comes compassion because we realize (once again) what is important. The same can be said for a natural disaster, but on a larger scale. It’s hard to tell if the politicians are so involved because it’s an election year… I mean, would Mitt Romney have been there handing out water if he weren’t up for president? No. What would really be great is if all of the politicians physically united whenever another state needed help (we are the United States after all). Yes yes, one can dream of political peace. What can I say, I’m a beauty queen at heart.
What is interesting to me about Hurricane Sandy is our straight-on view of what’s happening to the people of NYC. During Hurricane Katrina, we only had the news. Journalists would choose what they thought were the most important visuals and would portray the aftermath as such. With Sandy, we get a more direct view because some of our favorite shows are “Straight from New York!” I watched the opening of Jimmy Kimmel with no audience. I saw The View this morning and know their experience. Rather than tuning into CNN to view the devastation, I see pictures of people helping people and struggles, but also triumphs straight from the people being affected. It’s refreshing.