
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An excellent Q&A with Liz Winstead

Mother Jones did a Q&A political satirist and co-creator of The Daily Show,  Lizz Winstead. I find her thoughts and answers insightful. I completely agree with Windstead that women need to be outspoken about their beliefs all of the time instead of when there is a crisis.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Catching Up

Hello Readers (if there are any out there)!

Since my last post, "The 3am blues," I've pretty much fallen off the blogger radar. I'm okay and my husband is okay, but how does one really come back from such a depressing post? Well, time heals all wounds and it's been doing pretty good work on mine. Mother's Day weekend was a bit difficult and probably somewhere around September 27th I'll be crying and boozing again (unless we're pregnant again of course, then it'll just be the crying). The baby had Turners Syndrome, which is why it didn't survive -- I was told about 90% of pregnancies where the fetus has Turners ends in miscarriage. It's the best we could hope for in a shitty situation. It wasn't due to our genes, it was just missing an X Chromosome. We like to joke around and say "The next one just has to remember all its chromosomes!"

Moving on to random thoughts and catching up, I'm learning to sew! It's not much of a story yet, but tonight was my first lesson. I can thread the machine and the bobber, take the bobber parts apart and put it together and create a barely decent line of stitches, but it's a happy start! I'll be sure to post my first piece.

In other news that has nothing to do with sewing, I might start a "Bucket List." I've never had any interest in making one before because I don't like the idea of subjecting myself to a list of things that may never happen and thereby creating a list of disappointments. I had never given it that much thought, but just knowing me, I like to take things as they come and don't like to ever say "This MUST happen!" However, today as I was listening to the radio and envisioning the perfect music video for "Feel So Good," by Calvin Harris and it occurred to me that this is obtainable! I am constantly creating the perfect scene while I listen to music and let my thoughts drift through winding roads, bright green mountains and a setting sun. I know exactly what I want.. pretty much, but I wont tell you because you might just steal my idea! It's officially a part of the list (a cringe ran through my arms while typing that). I do have an great friend with expertise and a camera! You might know her as my fellow blogger. I haven't yet mentioned this idea, but I feel a short project coming on this summer :-D

I'll end the randomness with one of my favorite quotes:
"It's not about ideas.
It's about making ideas happen!"

Remember that kiddies!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

40 miles

Recently, I went on a 40 mile bike trip and made a short video about it. It was so much fun! Exhausting, but a blast!


I'll post what I want on Facebook, but keep your opinions to yourself

Facebook land. Make sure you post that picture! Did you tag me!? Has Sandy put on some weight? Bill's status updates are really sad, is he okay? Awww, they look so 'Leave it to Beaver' happy!

 There's no denying it. If we have it, we do it. My mom does it. Post, comment, tag, stalk-- it doesn't get any better.

 As a working journalist and being well aware that I have some very ignorant/ one track minded Facebook friends, I rarely post anything to stir the pot. That's not why I have a page. I'd rather keep it more like a digital scrapbook and way to keep in touch. Basically, I like it G rated.

 I was grocery shopping the other day and my phone buzzed with an AP news alert stating President Obama voiced his support of gay marriage. I was so excited. I stopped in the middle of the pasta isle and posted the link to Facebook with a big 'yayyyy!!'. This is not a typical action of mine and the most I usually post are funny videos of cats.

 Yet, this was one of the few things I found important to me and that I very openly support. It came at an appropriate time with North Carolina announcing it is only recognizing marriage between a man and a woman. And, it's always a hot topic during an election year.

 I think President Obama played it well. I think it is his honest opinion and I think, as always in politics, it was partially a strategic move to gain the attention of the more liberal minded folks. It was also risky because it is a heated topic. (( Politics fascinate me. I hate it, but it's such a part of our daily lives it's insane. Post on politics coming soon.))

 It doesn't necessarily do much for the LGBTQ community and their rights, but I think the support of our President is vital-- especially if you are a supporter of him.

So again, I thought it was important to post.

 Of course, in came the ignorant, one track minded comments. 'Wow big deal', 'marriage is between a man and a women, call it something else', and the beat goes on.

 I found myself thinking, as I was deleting their comments from my page, geeeeez, keep your opinions to yourself! I don't want to be associated with your nastiness!

 But wasn't I the one that started the opinion sharing?

 It's not like I don't like to stir the pot every once in a while, and I don't mind making some people angry-- especially when it comes to this. A good debate is always healthy... but not of Facebook!

Nothing ever comes across well in a few hundred word posts. It's like when your dad just learned to email and he would write to you in all CAPS. Are you yelling at me dad?

 Plus, if you don't like what someone has to say, you can just delete it. Like I did.

 In the end, that is why I like to keep my Facebook opinions to myself. I don't want to be a moderator.

 Here is a link to one of many articles if you haven't read about it.
