Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operation officer, hits on many points that I feel equally about and discusses hurdles as a woman that I have experienced or have yet to deal with.
She describes the book in a way as her non-feminist manifesto, feminist manifesto. It is completely a feminist manifesto and there is nothing wrong with it. Feminism is not a dirty word.
The book talks further about how more women need to be leaders in the world, however, you can choose your own path with strength and dignity whether is to run for a political office, run a company or be a full-time mother. She quotes statistics that show more women are educated than men, are more successful in higher education and more drop out of the workforce than men.
There is a chapter about being a mother and still having a career-- which I look forward to reading.
My husband and I are getting to a point where we would like a child (in a year or two...or three). I don't want to give up my career because I feel like I am just getting started, but I want a family too. Can woman have it all?
Men or partners, should lean-in. Life and family should be taken care of 50/50.
No, I won't ask my husband to buy me clothes. However, why should I be the one working crazy hours, rushing home, cooking dinner, doing laundry, cleaning the house and going to the store? He never not offered to do those thing, the responsibility was just somehow embedded in me and assumed. He might not be the best at folding clothes, but he needs to do his part equally in this little family. Which, thankfully, he mostly does. Now, he just needs to learn to cook-- sorry, ordering a pizza is not cooking.
We need to take care of each other... equally. And I think women need to take care of each other too.
My only negative critique on the book, so far, is that it gets me so pumped that I can't sleep. Reading it before bed is out of the question.
Here is a link:
The website is interesting too.